Hey there,
I'm Taisuke Mino, but most people call me Tai.
Lately, I’ve become deeply fascinated by biotech, particularly alternative proteins. I see it as a transformative solution to some of the world’s most pressing challenges—climate change, food security, and animal welfare.
Before diving into biotech, I was captivated by blockchain technology. My interest began in 2013 during grad school and later led me to South Park Commons, where I started building a crypto protocol. We raised $2.5m for our venture and developed the first credit default swap protocol on a blockchain.
At my core, I love technology and believe it is one of the most powerful forces for change. I consider myself a generalist—someone who codes, designs, hires, sells, writes, fundraises, and more. I thrive on learning and adapting across different disciplines.
Beyond work, I adore reading books, watching documentaries, playing poker and soccer, and cooking or exploring vegan food. Here are my favorite documentaries and books. I aspire to be an effective altruist, and I am a trial member of Giving What We Can where I took a pledge of donating 1% of my salary to effective charitable organization.
Writing is such a crucial part of my life. I write to think everyday. I publish some of them in this blog and freeCodeCamp.