Hey there,

My name is Taisuke Mino and most people call me Tai. I have been obsessed with the blockchain since 2013, and have built various things. My mission is to build a healthy financial system for all. While I was in South Park Commons, I started to build a DeFi protocol called Carapace. We raised $2.5m for our venture, and we aim to accelerate the transition to decentralized finance.

I consider myself a generalist. I code, design, hire, sell, write, raise funds, and do many other things.

I adore reading books, watching documentaries, playing poker, doing calisthenics, and cooking/exploring vegan food. Here are my favorite documentaries and books. I aspire to be an effective altruist, and I am a trial member of Giving What We Can where I took a pledge of donating 1% of my salary to effective charitable organization.

Writing is such a crucial part of my life. I write to think everyday. I publish some of them in this blog and freeCodeCamp.
